Family Heirlooms
This page is devoted to our family heirlooms which is a very important part of genealogy. Family treasures help connect us all in a personal way. Whether you’re sharing or viewing an item, photos and stories help link us all together. When my grandparents were young they were able to share their heirlooms in person by running across the street to visit with family. New generations have spread out across the world so we need to share via photos and stories. Family heirlooms past and current belong in this website. We have to think about the generations yet to be born. An item doesn’t have to be “old” to be a family heirloom. For example, if you are a collector send me a photo of an item in your collection so that your great grandchildren will know a little about you. If you have a photo of an heirloom that you would like to display, please email it to me (along with a comment) and help this page grow! Click on any photo to enlarge it, use the back arrow to return to the blog post.
- Painting by Yvonne Porche Zeck (1920 – 2007)
- Wooden Ducks made in the 1930’s by Harry Zeck, his brother Ray, and their father Harry Zeck Sr (1890 – 1983)
- China man purchased by Yvonne Zeck in Taiwan in 1966
- Jade Tree purchased by Yvonne Zeck in Taiwan in 1966
- World War II compass used by Colonel Zeck in the Pacific approx. 1944
- Albert Huff (1865 – 1939) button from his Chicago police department uniform. Albert was Harry Zeck Jr’s grandfather.
- Charm bracelet belonged to Yvonne Zeck
- Colonel Francis Harry Charles Zeck (1921 – 2007)
- Yvonne’s Noritake coffee cup
Hi im Alicia Jeanne Ciolli from Columbia More...
Joanne - Antonia (n. Moscati) Sforza, More...
Hey this is Alisha, Sam is my father, I More...
Yes, I found this name for my dear grand More...
this is my family my grandfather james m More...