"A family tree can wither if nobody tends its roots."

Ciolli Historical Records

Don Pietrantonio Amabile Ciolli
Born 04 May 1830 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married 05 Sep 1854 in Opi, Italy
Filomena Ursitti 
Born 08 May 1837 in Opi, Italy



Female Silhouette Gemma Nicolina
Born 28 Jun 1855 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married Giacomo Leone
Died 12 May 1952 in Chicago, Illinois (Mt Carmel)
Children: Esther, Anne, Jeanette, Joseph, Anthony,
Josephine, Christine, Rocco, Phyllis
 Male Silhouette Oreste Emilio Fortunato
Born 25 Aug 1856 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married 04 Aug 1884 Maria (Mary) Giusta Criola
Died 04 Oct 1945 in Chicago, Illinois (Mt Carmel)
Children: Cesidea (Josie), Nick
 Female Silhouette Maria Celestina Belisena
Born 26 Feb 1859 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Died 14 June 1863 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Female Silhouette

Cesidia Bibbia 
Born 12 Sep 1860 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Died 27 Jan 1863 in Pescasseroli, Italy

 Male Silhouette Florindo Ercole
Born 16 Dec 1862 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married 24 Aug 1891 Maria di Cornicca
 Bibbiana IMG_8079 Bibbiana Celestina
Born 19 Jan 1865 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married 18 Aug 1883 Basilio Di Nella
Died 1935 in Chicago, Illinois
Children: Vito, Nicholas, Pasquale
 Elvira IMG_8124 Cesidia Elvira Tranquilla
Born 08 Nov 1867 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married in 1888 Pietro Giovanni Del Principe
Died 24 Dec 1939 in Chicago, Illinois (Mt Carmel)
Children: Antonio, Francesco, Giuseppe, Amelia,
Amelio, Angelo, Amadea, Gaetano, Serafina,
Serafino, Settimie, Amedeo, Ottavia, Octavio,
Amada, Paulo, Gilberto, Francesco
 Charles and Anna 1908 3 Carmelo (Charles) Gerardo Adelis
Born 21 Mar 1871 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married 16 Feb 1908 Anna D’Aquila
Died 12 Apr 1941 in Chicago, Illinois (Mt Carmel)
Children: Filomena, Amabile (Robert)
 Male Silhouette Felice (Henry?) Augusto Lucio Enrico
Born 30 May 1873 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married Carmella Petrella
Died June 15 1958 in Chicago, Illinois (Queen Of Heaven)
Children: Frank, Robert, Mary, Phyllis, Josephine, Nancy
 Female Silhouette Settimia Ermenigilda Esterina (Maria Ester)
Born 06 June 1875 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married Francesco Saltarelli
Died in 1911
Children: Amelio, Maria, Paolo, Angelo, Carmela
Female Silhouette Maria (Mary) Adelina Speranza 
Born 06 Feb 1877 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married in 1894 Joseph Leone
Died 15 June 1940
Children: Carmella, Lillian, Mary, Rose, Anne, Meri,
Josephine, Gladys
 Female Silhouette Angelica
Born 12 May 1881 in Pescasseroli, Italy
Married Pasquali Neri
Died 20 Apr 1933 in Chicago, Illinois (Mt Carmel)
Children: Filomena, Vincent, James, Edline

Click this link to view original church documents of the Ciolli ancestors listed above.

Following is a PDF from December 2017 of some of Pietrantonio Amabile Ciolli and Filomena Ursitti’s Descendants Descendants of Filomena Ursitti Dec 17, 2017



Pescasseroli, Italy courtesy of Joe Del Principe

Pescasseroli, Italy

The following records are from a research company we hired in 2011. Kathy, from GenTracer, completed this research from her office in Salt Lake City.  I will add links to the rest of the documents as time permits.

Documentation from GenTracer Part 1:  The goal of this research project was to trace back the ancestral line of Elvira Ciolli, wife of Pietro Giovanni del Principe, in Pescasseroli, L’Aquila, Italy.

The first step was to discover when Elvira immigrated to the U.S. and to glean as much information about her from her immigration record as possible. On the Ellis Island Website (www.ellisisland.org), a search was conducted for Elvira Ciolli or Elvira del Principe. Only one match was located: Elvira Ciolli, age 25, who arrived on board the S.S. Weser on 21 August 1893. Three children accompanied Elvira: Antonio del Principe, age 4, Giuseppe Del Principe, age 3, and Amelio Del Principe, age 2.  There was no name of the town that Elvira and her family had emigrated from, only that she was from Italy. Her destination was Illinois but there was no category on the manifest where the name and address of persons being visited in the U.S. could be listed.

Initial information on Elvira Ciolli suggested that Pescasseroli, L’Aquila was her home in Italy and that she was born about 1874. Her passenger record however stated that she was 25 years old when she arrived here in 1893, making her birth year about 1868. Because the civil registration records of Pescasseroli only cover the years 1809 to 1865, it would be impossible to obtain her birth record from the microfilms of the Family History Library, regardless of whether she was born in 1868 or 1874.

At this point it seemed that the only way to identify the ancestry of Elvira Ciolli was through her siblings, who could have been born to Pietrantonio Amabile Ciolli and Filomena Ursitti, in 1865 and earlier. The research now turned to the births of any children of Pietrantonio and Filomena and also the marriage of the couple in Pescasseroli. The following children were found:

The births of Pescasseroli for 1864-1865 (FHL #1360907) included #2, the birth of Bibbiana Celestina Ciolli, was filed on 19 January 1865 in Pescasseroli, by Gemma di Nella, age 53, a midwife residing in this town. Bibbiana Celestina was born on 19 January 1865 to Amabile Ciolli, age 34, a pharmacist, and Filomena Ursitti, age 27, a property owner, residents of Pescasseroli. Bibbiana was baptized on 19 January at the parish church in Pescasseroli. Bibbiana Celestina Ciolli was married to Basilio Di Nella, son of Vincenzo Di Nella, on 18 August 1883 in Pescasseroli.2 (Document 2)

The births of Pescasseroli for 1861-1863 (FHL #1360906) included #85, the birth of Florindo Ercole Ciolli, was filed on 16 December 1862 in Pescasseroli, by Gemma di Nella, age 50, a midwife residing in this town. Florindo Ercole was born on 16 December 1862 to Amabile Ciolli, age 32, a pharmacist, and Filomena Ursitti, age 25, a property owner, residents of Pescasseroli. Florindo was baptized on 16 December at the parish church in Pescaserroli. Florindo Ercole Ciolli was married to Maria di Cornicca on 24 August 1891 in Pescasseroli. 3 (Document 3)

The births of Pescasseroli for 1859-1861 (FHL #1360905) included #89, the birth of Cesidia Bibbia Ciolli, was filed on 12 September 1860 in Pescasseroli, by Gemma di Nella, age 48, a midwife residing in this town. Cesidia was born on 11 September 1860 to Amabile Ciolli, age 30, a pharmacist, and Filomena Ursitti, age 22, a property owner, residents of Pescaserroli. Cesidia Bibbia Ciolli was baptized on 12 September in the parish church in Pescasseroli.4 (Document 4)

#5, the birth of Maria Celestina Belisena Ciolli, was filed on 26 February 1859, in Pescasseroli by Battista Vitale, age 71, a midwife residing in this town. Maria was born on 26 February 1859 to Amabile Pietrantonio Ciolli, age 28, a pharmacist, and Filomena Ursitti, age 21, a property owner, residents of Pescasseroli. Maria Celestina Belisena Ciolli was baptized on 26 February in the parish church in Pescasseroli.5 (Document 5)

The births of Pescasseroli for 1854-1858 (FHL #1360904) included #85, the birth of Oreste Emilio Fortunato Ciolli, was filed on 25 August 1856, in Pescasseroli by Innocenza di Nella, age 77, a midwife residing in this town. Oreste was born on 25 August 1856 to Amabile Pietrantonio Ciolli, age 26, a pharmacist, and Filomena Ursitti, age 19, a property owner, residents of Pescasseroli. Oreste Emilio Fortunato Ciolli was baptized on 25 August in the parish church in Pescasseroli. Oreste Emilio Fortunato Ciolli was married on 4 August 1884 to Maria Giusta Criola, daugher of Geremia Criola in Pescasseroli.6 (Document 6)

#62, the birth of Gemma Nicolina Ciolli, was filed on 29 June 1855 in Pescasseroli by Innocenza di Nella, age 73, a midwife residing in this town. Gemma was born on 28 June 1855, to Pietrantonio Amabile Ciolli, age 25, a pharmacist, and Filomena Ursitti, age 18, a property owner, residents of Pescasseroli. Gemma Nicolina Ciolli was baptized on 29 June in the parish church in Pescasseroli.7

The same film included the marriage of Pietrantonio Amabile Ciolli to Filomena Ursitti was not located during the above search. Nor was it found in the Pescasseroli marriage records back to 1852. However, the first and second marriage banns (intentions) were finally located in 1854 as follows:

#10: Parte Prima, 16 July 1854, the notification of the solemn promise of marriage between Pietrantonio Ciolli, son of the living Raffaele Ciolli, and the living Speranza Tudini, and Filomena Ursitti, daughter of the living Angelico Ursitti, and the late Annunziata de Arcangelis.

#10: Parte Seconda, 31 July 1854, the notification of the intended marriage of Pietrantonio Ciolli, age 24, a pharmacist living in Pescasseroli. He was a son of the living Raffaele Ciolli, a land owner, and the living Speranza Tudini, residents of Pescasseroli, and Filomena Ursitti, age 17, daughter of the living Angelico Ursitti, a land owner, and the late Annunziata de Arcangelis.9 (Document 9)

Even though there was notification of the marriage of Pietroantonio Ciolli to Filomena Ursitti in 1854, their marriage record could not be located. A search was made of the marriage index for that year, and the actual marriage records were examined one-by-one. The un-indexed processetti (marriage supplement) records of 1854 were also searched from beginning to end with no results, but that isn’t conclusive either way. It is possible that Pietrantonio and Filomena were married in another town, but there was no indication of that in the notification documents since both the bride and groom were living in this town with their parents.

It is more likely that they married in the church in Pescasseroli and didn’t register the marriage with the civil authorities. There were some groups who refused to register their marriages with the civil authorities because it was a holy rite.

Documentation from GenTracer Part 2: The goal of the Zeck #4 research project was to comb through the civil registration records of Pescasseroli, L’Aquila in order to extend the client’s ancestral lines. Emphasis was to be placed on the Ciolli family.

The project began with the birth, marriage and death records of Pescasseroli for 1828-1833 (FHL #1360877). They included #33, the birth of Pietrantonio Ciolli, filed on 4 May 1830. The birth was reported by a midwife (Innocenza di Nella). The male child was born to Speranza Tudini, 21 years old and a property owner living in Pescasseroli and Raffaele Ciolli, 23 years old and a property owner living in Pescasseroli on 4 May in their home. The right column shows that he was baptized on 4 May in the parish of Pescasseroli. Source #1

The birth, marriage and death records of Pescasseroli for 1824-1828 (FHL #1360876) included #7, the marriage of Raffaele Ciolli to Maria Speranza Tudini, filed on 29 September 1828. The groom was 25 years old, born in Pescasseroli and a property owner living in Pescasseroli. He was a son of Fortunato, a property owner living in Pescasseroli and Gemma d’Arcangelo, a property owner living in Pescasseroli. The bride was 20 years old, born in Pescasseroli and living in Pescasseroli. She was a daughter of the late Domenico Tudini and the late Maria Benedetta del Principe. Source #2

Returning to the birth, marriage and death records of Pescasseroli for 1828-1833 (FHL #1360877), we found the marriage processetti, for #7, the marriage of Raffaele Ciolli to Maria Speranza Tudini, filed on 29 September 1828. Page 1 was an extract of the baptism of Raffaele Ciolli on 28 March 1803 in Pescasseroli. He was born to Fortunato (son of the late Medici Ciolli) of this place and Gemma de Arcangelis of Bisenti (Teramo province), a married couple. Page 2 was an extract of the baptism of Maria Speranza Tudini on 19 April 1808 in Pescasseroli. She was born to Domenico (son of the late Cesidio Tudino) and Maria Benedetta (daughter of the late Silvestro del Principe) a married couple.

Pages 3-6 are the consent of several male relatives of Speranza for this marriage, including her brother, Gabriele Tudini. The others were cousins: Custode Tudini, son of the late Cesidio Tudini, 36 years old; Don Antonio Tudini, son of the late Francesco Tudini, 36 years old. Don Casimiro del Principe, son of the living Luigi del Principe, was 36 years old and her uncle. Vincenzo del Principe, son of the late Silvestro, 50 years old, was another uncle. Domenicantonio Messitiglio (spelling?) was a son of the late Filippo, 50 years old and another uncle of the bride on her mother’s side. You can see Raffaele’s signature on the last page. Source #3

The birth, marriage and death records of Pescasseroli for 1836-1839 (FHL #1360879) included #26, the death of Fortunato Ciolli, filed on 24 August 1838. The death was reported by two of his friends. He died on 23 August at his home. He was the husband of Gemma d’Arcangelo, a landowner in Pescasseroli. He was 83 years old, born in Pescasseroli and a landowner living in Pescasseroli. He was a son of the late Carmine Ciolli and the late Caterina Bascianelli. Source #4

A review of the marriage of Pietrantonio Ciolli revealed that his bride was from Opi, another town in L’Aquila province. The birth, marriage and death records of Opi for 1847-1855 (FHL #1227920) included #4, the marriage of Don Pietrantonio Ciolli to Filomena Ursitti, filed on 5 September 1854. The groom was 24 years old, born in Pescasseroli and a pharmacist living in Pescasseroli. He was a son of the living Raffaele Ciolli, a landowner living in Pescasseroli and the living Speranza Tudini, a landowner living in Pescasseroli. The bride was 17 years old, born in Opi and living in Opi. She was a daughter of the living Angelico Ursitti, a landowner living in Opi and the late Nunziata de Arcangelis. Source #5

The same film contained the processetti for this marriage on pages 19-24 as follows: Page 1 was an extract of the birth of Filomena Ursitti, filed on 8 May 1837 in Opi. The birth was reported by Angelico Ursitti, 38 years old and a landowner living in Opi. The female child was born to Annunziata de Arcangelis, 26 years old and a landowner living in Opi on 8 May in their home. The right column shows that she was baptized on 8 May in the parish of Opi.

Page 2 was an extract of the death of Nunziata de Arcangelis, filed on 18 October 1852 in Opi. The death was reported by a relative and a farmer. She died on 17 October in her home. She was the wife of the living Angelico Ursitti. She was 41 years old, born in Opi and a landowner living in Opi. She was a daughter of the living Filippo de Arcangelis, a landowner living in Opi and the late Mariantonia Bevilacqua. Page 3 was an extract of the public notice of this intended marriage, filed on 31 July. Information describing the bride and groom match the above. Pages 4-5 were another copy of the solemn promise to marry, describing the bride and groom as above. Source #6

Documentation from GenTracer Research Project #5

Click here to read some Family Group Records.

The research goal was to extend ancestral lines in Pescasseroli and Opi, L’Aquila.  The project began with the birth, marriage and death records of Opi for 1828-1837 (FHL #1227908). They included:

#2, (source #1) the marriage of Angelico Ursitti to Nunziata Maria Celesta d’Arcangelo, filed on 2 October 1831. The groom was 33 years old, born in Opi and a landowner living in Opi. He was a son of the late Domenico Ursitti and of Nicodema Serafina Cocuzza, a landowner living in Opi. The bride was 20 years old, born in Opi and living in Opi. She was a daughter of Filippo d’Arcangelo, a landowner living in Opi and of the late Mariantonia Bevilacqua. The list of allegati (supplementary documents filed in connection with this marriage) included the birth extracts of the bride and goom, the death of the late Domenico Ursitti (the father of the groom), the death of the late Baldassare Ursitti (the paternal grandfather of the groom), the death of the late Mariantonia Bevilacqua, mother of the bride. The margin note on the far right shows that this wedding occurred on 30 December in the parish of Opi. This is longer than usual between the intention and the marriage, but since both the bride and groom were landowners, that made them just below nobility in social stature and this might have been an enormous wedding celebration that took a long to time plan and organize. Of course, it’s also possible that a family member’s ill health delayed the wedding. Source #1

#2, (source #2) the marriage processetti (supplementary documents) for the above marriage. This 8 page file started with an extract of the birth of the groom. This extract was produced by the parish of Santa Maria Assunta in Opi, click here for a 360 degree view of the church. On 17 November 1798 was the baptism of an infant born the same day at 1700 hours. The child was born to the married couple of Domenico Ursitti, son of Baldassare Ursitti of Opi and to Nicodema Serafina Cucuzza, daughter of Alessandro Cucuzza and Maxine Serone of this place and named Angelico [Ursitti]. 

Page 2 was an extract of the birth of Nunziata Maria Celesta d’Arcangelo, filed on 9 May 1811 in Opi. The birth was reported by Filippo d’Arcangelo, a citizen, 26 years old and living on strada la Piazza #77. the female child was born at 3 am on 8 May to his legitimate wife, Mariantonia Bevilacqua. She was a daughter of Agostino Bevilacqua and of Barbara Norci, residents of the town of Gallinaro (Frosinone province).

Pages 3-4 were an extract of the death of Domenico Ursitti in the town of Villetta (L’Aquila province), filed on 21 May 1829. The death was reported by Arcangelo Celiolonio, 42 years old and a laborer and by Benedetto Clemente, 22 years old and a quarry worker living in this town. The death occurred on 21 May. He was from Opi and at the hospital in Velletta. He was 60 years old, born in Opi and a landowner who lived in Opi. He was a son of the late Baldassare Ursitti, a landowner who lived in Opi.

Page 4 was an extract of the death of Baldassare Ursitti reported in the parish of Santa Maria Assunta in Opi. It was reported on 18 December 1790. He was from Opi, about 59 years old. He received the last rites. His son was Domenico Urisitti.

Page 6 was an extract of the death of Mariantonia Bevilacqua, filed in Opi on 7 August 1822. The death was reported by Carlo di Vito, 35 years old and a landowner living in Opi and by Gioacchino Rossi, 51 years old and a landowner living in Opi. She died on 6 August, was 30 years old and the wife of Filippo de Arcangelis. She was born in Gallinaro and a landowner living in Opi. She was a daughter of Don Agostino Bevilacqua, a landowner living in Gallinaro and of Barbara Norci, a landowner living in Gallinaro. Pages 7-8 were another copy of the Solemn Promise to Marry located above (Source #1). Source #2

The birth, marriage and death records of Pescasseroli for 1812-1817 (FHL #1360874) included:

#2, (source #3) the marriage of Leonardo Antonio Visci to Donata Cesidia Gentile, filed on 21 June 1813. The groom was 19 years old and a shepherd living in Pescasseroli. He was a minor (under 21 years) son of Nicolangelo Visci, 60 years old and a shepherd living in this town and of the late Maria Domenica Ciolli. The bride was 23 years old and a homemaker living in this town. She had reached her majority (over 21 years) and was a daughter of the late Antonio Gentile and of Lucia Santercole, 50 years old and a homemaker living in the home of her late husband and giving her consent. The intended wedding was announced on 6 June and 13 June. Source #3

#8, (source #4) the marriage of Ascenzo Notarantonio to Maria Luisa Ciolli, filed on 28 September 1815. The groom 22 years old and a landowner living in this town. He was a minor child (under 21 years) of Nicola Notarantonio, 56 years old and a landowner living in this town and of Scolastica Mascia, 46 years old and a landowner living with her husband and giving consent. The bride was 20 years old and a landowner living in this town. She was a daughter of Fortunato Ciolli, 60 years old and a landowner living in this town and of Gemma d’Arcangelo, a landowner, 60 years old and living with her husband and giving consent. This intended marriage was announced on 17 September and 24 September. Source #4


5 Responses to Ciolli Historical Records

  1. 11 years ago by Valerie Ciolli Stockmar

    I am the granddaughter of Henry and Carmella Ciolli. Daughter of their son, Robert.

  2. 11 years ago by Valerie Ciolli Stockmar

    My grandparents were Henry and Carmella Ciolli. My father was Robert R. Ciolli. Have always been interested in the Ciolli family history. My dad had a cousin, named Robert Ciolli. Very interesting.

  3. 10 years ago by Kathleen Ciolli Gleaves

    Fascinating. I have the name Raffaele Ciolli on my family tree as well. My grandfather was from the village of Ripa in the Commune of Fagnano Alto. Opi is one of several villages that are included in the Fagnano Alto grouping. It would seem that we may be related! That’s very exciting for me, as I’ve yet to find any living relatives in Italy… found plenty of tombstones, but no living ones!

  4. 8 years ago by Nancy Mazzie Worrell

    I am the Great Granddaughter of Speranza (Mary) Ciolli, Granddaughter of Merri Leone, daughter of Richard Mazzie. I only have contact with one person from this side of my family and am interested in knowing who else is out there.

  5. 8 years ago by Val Ciolli Stockmar

    Dear Phyllis, thank you so much for all your hard work. So very, very informative.


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