’Twas The Week Before Christmas
by Phyllis Zeck
When all through the towns
Snow fall was happening by leaps and by bounds.
Our family was nested all snug in our beds,
The weatherman predicted a light snow fall ahead,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
but mountains of snow, all our autos unclear.
A wink of my eye and a twist of my head,
soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
I spoke not a word, but went straight to my work,
Starting my snow blower up with a smirk,
I sent that snow flying with spunk and with perk.
I knew in a moment St. Nick could land safely,
and fill up our stockings with treasures so gaily.
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!
My mother’s sister Phyllis married Richard and they settled in New England to raise their family. My five cousins and I were only able to see each other briefly throughout the years but we had a close bond that remains to this day. Grandpa was so happy when all of his grandchildren were together.
My cousin Rick lives in New Hampshire. In the photo to the left, my brother Tom is kneeling (striped shirt) and Rick is in front of him.
This summer Rick restored a 150 year old barn on his property. He hired a crew to lift and straighten the barn then he excavated and laid a cement foundation. The siding went back on, some original and some new, and Rick built a new door. The photo below is Rick and grandson Ollie on his tracker. How much fun Ollie must have with all these big noisy machines! Rick’s restoration is incredibly impressive. Grandpa would be proud and also jealous of the storage and work space. Poor grandpa only had a very small section of the basement for his table saw and work bench.
This weekend’s snow forecast for New Hampshire was 6 to 12 inches. Rick was taken by surprise when he woke up to find almost 40 inches of snow fall. Click this Youtube link to see Rick operating his super duper snow blower. I think about how much grandpa loved his Sears push snow blower for those harsh Chicago winters. It would not have made a dent in the New Hampshire blizzard of 2020.
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